What are the Evolution of Management?
The evolution of management has 3 different approaches
- Classical Approach - include scientific management theories by Fedrick W.Taylor, Henry Gantt, and Frank and Lilian Gibert; Administrative Management theory by Henry Fayol and Bureaucracy theory by Max Weber.
- Behavioral Approach - includes Human Relation Approach by Elton Mayo and Behavioral Science Approach by Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor, Mary Parker Follett, Blake and Mouton, and Chester Bernard.
- Modern Approach - includes the Quantitative approach by Russel L.Ackoff, F.W Lanchester, and Thomas Edison; System Approach by Churchman West, Contingency approach by Paul Henry, Social System Approach by Vilfredo Pareto, and Decision approach by Herbert A.Simon.
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What are the Evolution of Management?